Black is beautiful or at least what we were told to believe. However, God created you that is how you should look. Plastic surgery has taken over the lives of millions of women that wish to be the next Kardashian.
As an African American man, I began learning about the human body as child growing up. During the exploration phase of your life, you will learn simply by using your senses. Think about giving someone you care about a hug. All of your senses are being used in a simple gesture. Now thinking back, I could almost feel the sensation of when I interacted with a crush. All of the hairs would stand up on my body and my heart would begin to race. Just recently I discovered that the hair on your body is connected to your central nervous system.
Because humans have the ability to explore, create, and think, it has led to self-destruction. When you have conversations with people from a previous era, their upbringing is the total opposite. Tech gadgets and social media were practically nonexistent, but you were capable of finding self-love. There was no need for social media filters and makeup. What you see is what you get but people have a higher level of self-esteem. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so who gets to determine how you should look? I ask myself this question every day when I look at the poor decisions women make to opt for plastic surgery.
The plastic surgery industry is worth over 60 billion and is expected to grow by an additional 20 billion within the next decade. Cosmetic surgery is the new diamond wedding ring, because it feels good to flex. DeBeers crafted a genius marketing plan by advertising diamonds along with the slogan that a diamond is forever or a girl’s best friend. Marilyn Monroe hands down is one of the most attractive women of her era helped market the product to a broader audience. Marketing is quint essential in selling any product or service even if it is located in the human body.
We are all exposed to millions of images, drawings, and people that fascinate us. Whenever you listen to your favorite musical artist, after a while you will mimic their behavior whether it be verbal or physical. It can apply to many aspects of life, because we are social creatures by nature. What you see or admire is what you will become. Let’s put the lyrics aside but take Nicki Minaj, Cardi B, or Meg the Stallion for example. If you were to judge them based on looks, most men that I know would sleep with either one. These women fit the perfect body agenda with large breast, flat stomach, and a big behind. Do you think that the average person cares about how or why they even look that way?
From a cultural perspective African American, Caribbean, and Spanish women naturally have the ideal body. This is not to say that other ethnicities do not have women that are considered perfect, because we are only talking about the average person. As a male growing up, it wasn’t hard to discover that you love women. Imagine just by looking at one it creates excitement and sparks your curiosity to learn more about them. It was not until I got older that I realized that it was buried in my subconscious mind to love women who have certain physical features. Who framed roger rabbit was a great film but let’s not ignore the fact that you had a white woman with the perfect physique wearing a red dress. Whether it be animated or a real, women have that psychological advantage.
As mentioned earlier, marketing is everything and the only being or entity that has more power is God. there are constant reminders of how the ideal women should look. Every individual is capable of making decisions, but we can’t escape our own demise. The coca cola bottle shaped, or the hourglass figure has been a societal agenda for decades. Victoria secret has made billions of dollars selling clothing for women who either have or want the perfect body. It wasn’t until competitors decided that they can attract more customers by targeting plus size women.
We live in an overly sexualized society that encourages women to make impulsive decisions. If you were to ask women, why in the world do you feel the need to do cosmetic surgery? The answer would be simple, they choose to compete with other women for resources. The surgeries performed aren’t done to save lives but to make you feel superior to others. The top five cosmetic surgical procedures done are liposuction, breast augmentation, tummy tuck, breast lift and eye lid surgery. I find it funny in particular, that we exercise our focus on the external and not the mind or the soul.
Self-esteem is something that exists within all human beings, but yet it’s a conversation that always swept under the rug. Self-esteem and your subconscious mind are intwined. Think about depression or sadness, which can lead to the urge to drink alcohol or eat ice cream. Every cause has an effect, because human behavior is not random and that’s a well-known fact. People, especially those that are mentally and spiritually weak will become prey for the cosmetics industry. As a child you wanted to become someone who made a difference in life, but nowadays girls think that it is ideal to become an only fans model or a porn star.
As a surgeon, it is bad for business to tell your customers that they are beautiful, because you have bills to pay. Even if you are not religious, you should be familiar with the quote “charity begins at home”. Parents along with other adults must do a better job raising their children. Of course, now more than ever, it is more difficult to raise kids with social media, video games, and even musical artists that can set bad examples. The race is not for the swift but those who endure it to the end. Women need to focus more on brain health rather than physical wealth.